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- “建植人工草地对青藏高原严重退化草地土壤质量的改良作用”一文在Plant Soil 杂志上发表2010-12-29
- “青藏高原不同海拔梯度粪便营养释放的温度敏感性”一文在Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 杂志上发表2010-11-29
- “动态微波辅助萃取水母雪莲中牛蒡子苷元”一文在Chromatographia杂志上发表2010-11-29
- “青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统凋落物品质和不同海拔梯度气候变化对凋落物分解的影响”一文在Plant Ecology杂志上发表2010-11-29
- “增温和放牧对青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统N2O通量的影响”一文在Soil Biology & Biochemistry杂志上发表2010-11-18
- “增温和放牧对青藏高原凋落物分解及凋落物和粪便分解的温度敏感性响应”一文在Global Change Biology 杂志上发表2010-11-18
- “青藏高原土著地下啮齿类——高原鼢鼠的异域分化和谱系地理结构”一文在Journal of Biogeography上发表2010-11-18
- “ISSR分子标记对唐古特大黄野生居群的遗传多样性研究”一文在“Biochemical Systematicsand ecology ”杂志上发表2010-11-18
- Effect of warming and grazing on litter mass loss and temperature sensitivity of litter and dung mass loss on the Tibetan plateau2010-05-24
- Effects of Warming and Grazing on N2O Fluxes in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem on the Tibetan Plateau2010-05-24
- Seasonal variations in carbon dioxide exchange in an alpine wetland meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau2010-05-24
- Allopatric divergence and phylogeographic structure of the plateau zokor (Eospalax baileyi), a fossorial rodent endemic to the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau2010-05-24
- Extraction of Microula sikkimensis seed oil and simultaneous analysis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids by fluorescence detection with reversed-phase HPLC2010-05-24
- An improved reagent for determination of aliphatic amines with fluorescence and online atmospheric chemical ionization-mass spectrometry identification2010-05-18